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In the penal or retributive law, the subject of pronouncement unawareness has been investigated by the lawyers and jurisprudents, due to its importance and influencing on responsibilities. In Islamic penal law and according to Koran verses and religious narrations and using religious regulations, punishment of the ignorant person for the duties is in contrast with justice and common sense and punishment of the ignorant people is considered to be obscene and indecent. In this regard, the order in Islamic law is based on acceptance of the claims for ignorance. In the common and rather putative punitive laws, the principle for lack of effectiveness of the ignorance of law on penal responsibilities is admitted and the regulations regarding unawareness of the law or not knowing the laws does not obviate the penal responsibilities. This rule is considered as a main and applied norm. the approach to enactments in Iran was based on the principle “ignoring the law does not obviate the penal responsibilities” until before ratification of the law for Islamic punishment in 2013, despite not indicating the general decree for ignorance. By ratifying the new laws for Islamic punishment, the Iranian legislator has in addition to pointing to the specific cases such as the previous laws regarding ignoring the law has defined the general rule for ignoring the law. In a separate explanation, the legislator expresses the “repellence rule” that is a definite religious rule and involves ignorance to the law. In the article (155), the new punishment law defines the religious views and the common sense views and has described the relevant decree. Thus, the legislator’s approach about accepting the ignorance in verifying and forming and executing the punishment indicates the changes in the legislator’s previous approach. In addition to indicating the religious and legal documentations and the reasons for admitting or not admitting the ignorance claims for the law the common sense between religious and legal viewpoints and the approach of the punitive legislator, especially for the last legislative decisions in facing with this subject are also dealt in this paper.
[دوشنبه 1401-09-28] [ 10:05:00 ب.ظ ]