1. copying ↑


    1. Folkman ↑


    1. Grolnick,McMenamy and kurowski ↑


    1. Calkins,Gill,Jonson and Smith ↑


    1. Grolnick,Krowski,Garland ↑


    1. Cole,Teti,Jan-waxler ↑


    1. Bradley,Atkinson and Tomasio ↑


    1. Boyd ↑


    1. Strenberg and williams ↑


    1. Baker ↑


    1. Fleer ↑


    1. Resnick ↑


    1. Rogoff ↑


    1. Todge ↑


    1. Bruner ↑


    1. Fani and Ghaemi ↑


    1. Frijda ↑


    1. Izard ↑


    1. Sroufe ↑


    1. Tomkins ↑


    1. neo-darwinian ↑


    1. appraisal ↑


    1. Arnold ↑


    1. Scherer, Schorr, & Johnstone ↑


    1. Mumme, Kermoian ↑


    1. Walden & Smith ↑


    1. affect ↑


    1. reflex ↑


    1. mood ↑


    1. impulse ↑


    1. feeling ↑


    1. Parkinson,Totterdell,Briner and Reynolds ↑


    1. diffuse ↑


    1. Broad action tendencies ↑


    1. Lang ↑


    1. Clore, Schwarz, & Conway ↑


    1. Davidson ↑


    1. Fiedler ↑


    1. Ferguson ↑


    1. startle ↑


    1. Ekman ↑


    1. reflex ↑


    1. emotion dynamics ↑


    1. Parrott ↑


    1. Boden & Baumeister ↑


    1. Kleinman ↑


    1. Empathic distress ↑


    1. Bandura ↑


    1. antecedent-focused ↑


    1. response-focused ↑


    1. situation selection ↑


    1. situation modification ↑


    1. problem-focused coping ↑


    1. Folkman ↑


    1. primary control ↑


    1. Rothbaum, Weisz, & Snyder ↑


    1. attentional deployment ↑


    1. Nix, Watson, Pyszczynski, & Greenberg ↑


    1. Csikszentmihalyi ↑


    1. response modulation ↑


    1. experessive behavior ↑


    1. effortful control ↑


    1. Rothbart and Bates ↑


    1. executive functioning ↑


    1. effortful deployment control ↑


    1. integrating of information attended to ↑


    1. planning ↑


    1. Rueda ↑


    1. overt behavioral expression of emotion ↑


    1. Hafan and Vaughan ↑


    1. Kopp ↑


    1. intentionality ↑


    1. goal-directed behavior ↑


    1. representational thinking ↑


    1. sense of identity ↑


    1. strategy production ↑


    1. social referecing ↑


    1. Eisenberg & Morris ↑


    1. self-soothing ↑


    1. Crockenberg & Leekers ↑


    1. Stifer and Bruangart ↑


    1. orienting strategy ↑


    1. Most preferred ↑


    1. Manglsdorf, Shapiro and Marzoff ↑


    1. behavioral avoidance ↑


    1. external self-soothing ↑


    1. self-distraction ↑


    1. Grolnick, Bridges, & Connell ↑


    1. Neufeld ↑


    1. Mischel & Ayduk ↑


    1. Posner ↑


    1. Carlson, Moses, & Claxton ↑


    1. attention shifting ↑


    1. attention focusing ↑


    1. Kochanska, Coy, Tjebkes, & Husarek ↑


    1. Ruff ↑


    1. predominant ↑


    1. Diamond ↑


    1. Kochanska, Murray, & Harlan ↑


    1. Reed, Pien ↑


    1. Murphy, Eisenberg, Fabes, Shepard, & Guthrie ↑


    1. Williams, Ponesse, Schachar, Logan, & Tannock ↑


    1. Brocki & Bohlin ↑


    1. Murphy ↑


    1. reactive ↑


    1. overcontrolled ↑


    1. undercontrolled ↑


    1. optimally controlled ↑


    1. delay tasks ↑


    1. Raver, Blackburn, Bancroft, & Torp ↑


    1. Fabes, Martin, Hanish, Anders, & Madden-Derdich ↑


    1. high reactive undercontrol ↑


    1. Henry, McGee, Moffitt, & Silva ↑


    1. Caspi ↑


    1. delay of gratification ↑


    1. Semrud-klickmen ↑


    1. peer group ↑


    1. problem solving skills ↑


    1. effective social functioning ↑


    1. Social information processing model ↑


    1. Frank gresham ↑


    1. adaptive behavior ↑


    1. Rose-Krasnor ↑


    1. peer status ↑


    1. functional goal-outcom assessment ↑


    1. Buck ↑


    1. Hubbard and Coie ↑


    1. Lemerise and Gentil ↑


    1. Nowicki and Ducke ↑


    1. Heo ↑


    1. individualized scaffolding ↑


    1. open circle program ↑


    1. Bradley, Atkinson, Tomasino, Rees ↑


    1. Psychophysiological Coherence ↑


    1. Shift and Shine ↑


    1. Peace ↑


    1. Emotion Spinner ↑


    1. The heart warmer ↑

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